The Official ICOM/UNESCO art directory

Willing to submit your Artwork for verification? Kindly follow the guidelines outlined below.

Code Of Ethics

Participate in the revision of ICOM’s Code of Ethics for Museums!

Museums & Neuroscience

Museums and Chill – How I know what I know: museum and neuroscience

Museum & Environment

The Museum, the environment: archives of the Lourmarin symposium, 1972

icom usa

Call for articles ICOM voices

The ICOM website serves as a communication platform for museum- and heritage-related projects, experiences and discussions about the sector. It promotes themes that are at the heart of the museum’s mission today such as sustainability, heritage protection, intangible heritage and working conditions for museum professionals.

icom alternative
icom people

About Us

ICOM Museum definition

In Prague, on 24 August 2022, the Extraordinary General Assembly of ICOM has approved the proposal for the new museum definition with 92,41% (For: 487, Against: 23, Abstention: 17). Following the adoption, the new ICOM museum definition is:


upcoming Events

icom head head

International Museum Day - 2023

Each year since 1977, ICOM has organised International Museum Day, which represents a unique moment for the international museum community.

Why Choice Us

ICOM/UNESCO research & publication


ICOM’s publications provide a platform for the development of expertise and knowledge in the museum field. ICOM’s publications include a peer-reviewed journal and research book series. ICOM’s Committees also regularly publish journals, books, e-newsletters and more.

ICOM Information Centre

Created in 1948, the ICOM Documentation Centre is managed by the Secretariat.

- Collections held at ICOM headquarters
- Access to the ICOM Information Centre
- Off-site collections


Museums are perfectly positioned to address and enhance sustainability as they are able to work with communities to raise public awareness, support research and knowledge creation to contribute to the well-being of the planet and societies for future generations.

Museums and Inclusion

Proactively addressing inequalities and exclusion becomes essential for museums when fulfilling their mission to serving society.

ICOM’s training workshops and activities promote and encourage capacity building for museum professionals

Heritage protection

Red Lists

The ICOM Red Lists of Cultural Objects at Risk are practical tools to curb the illegal traffic of cultural objects.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

ICOM is strongly committed to help museums professionals recover from disasters and plan emergency response.

Intangible Heritage

ICOM believes museums have a role to play in the protection of intangible heritage and is committed to the defence of this vulnerable heritage.


Museums, as permanent non-profit institutions in the service of society and its development, are regularly confronted with copyright issues when carrying out their public interest missions of acquiring, conserving, researching, communicating and exhibiting the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for education, study and enjoyment.

Online library

ICOM’s Online Library gives you access all the resources of the ICOM Documentation Centre

The result of the work of several generations of documentalists since 1948, but for a long time reserved for them alone, the ICOM Online Library is now directly consultable by everyone, in its entirety, in the three official languages of ICOM. It contains, first of all, all the publications of ICOM and its network of International Committees, National Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations since their creation, but also a large number of references to books, reviews, articles, guides and manuals, directories, conference proceedings, studies and reports in the fields of interest to ICOM, such as the protection of endangered heritage, the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property, the social role of museums, education and ethics.